Ease helps insurance brokers offer their SMB clients better service through simple technology. Ease makes it simple to set up and manage benefits, onboard new hires, stay compliant, and offer employees one destination for all their human resources information. Today, more than 75,000 SMBs use Ease for benefits and HR.
We are able connect with our payroll provider in real time via API integration which is very helpful when we need access quickly or have questions about how payments will be made at certain times of year (e-payroll). The interface can sometimes feel slow/clunky but that's likely just my personal preference as I'm not an expert user by any means! It would also help if there were some training material available - perhaps even something like "how do you get started?" type content? Benefitsβ¦
In depth reporting
Ability to add custom fields for ease / simplicity while building reports.
Reporting features seem fairly easy, intuitive.
Easy ability make changes without needing IT dept involvement