- speed! a long-awaited ate of the system was finally carried out. Prior to that, there was a core 2 quad q9300 that had been overclocked to 3GHz. For example, turning on 4K video on YouTube causes the processor to become fully loaded, which causes the video to specifically slow down. presently, the circumstance can be summed up as follows: a continuous flow and a processor load of between 18 and 20 percent. pulls even four windows, each of which can play a 4K video. In addition, this is being done at the normal frequency of 4 GHz. Rendering in 3ds Max was significantly sped up by around four to five times. There is little to say about games; it pulls everything without putting too much strain on itself. However, if I were purchasing a computer specifically for gaming, I would go with something less expensive, such as a 4460.
- The presence of "snot" in the form of a thermal interface between the lid and the crystal results in an increase of 10 to 20 degrees Celsius in the core temperature when the load is at its greatest level (this results in "scalping," which means cutting off the lid and replacing the TI). Extremely sluggish attempt to overclock. Chips require 4.4-4.6 on average, which equates to 10-15% productivity loss. Textolite that is thin. You can stop the processor from working by moving the case while it has a large cooler installed and moving it around. Vise scalping was another technique that got somewhat more dangerous.
- excellent overclocking potential, multitasking capabilities, and stable operation
- interface for heat transfer on the core
- It's reassuring to know that this is a high-quality desktop stone; everything operates promptly and is as reliable as one would expect. Cost-effective in comparison to the 2022 version 3
- In my opinion, 4 cores will not be sufficient for much longer.
- It's a wise decision for the majority of people.
- substitute dry thermal paste for solder. Unbelievably, the temperature increases. A second load throws from 32 to 65 degrees before swiftly returning. They are FIRED UP! even if you weren't overclocking.
- Overclocking
- Temperature
- Highest performance in absolutely any everyday tasks Unlocked multiplier New technological process Big groundwork for the future (minimum 3-5 years) Nearly cold at idle Doesn't heat up at all.
- Yes, basically no
- Fast processor and DDR4 (in the future it will be cheaper than DDR3 per gigabyte)
- It heats up, but the most important thing is thin textolite. Despite the high frequency of DDR4, due to high timings in real applications, the increase is not so great.
- DDR4 memory, budget motherboard socket, unlike 6 Intel cores, power, performance, 4 cores - 8 threads.
- perhaps there are none, except perhaps the price, in the middle of the year the price for this percent fluctuated around 30-35 thousand, now it costs 22, acceptable
- speed! carried out a long-awaited ate of the system, before that there was a core 2 quad q9300 with overclocking to 3GHz. duck, for example, on YouTube, when you turn on 4k video, there was a full load of the processor and the video specifically slowed down. right there the situation is as follows: a smooth stream and a processor load of 18-20%. pulls even 4 windows with 4k video in each. And this is at the standard frequency of 4 GHz. rendering in 3ds max accelerated by about 4-5 times. there is nothing to say about games, it pulls everything without straining too much, but for games I would take something cheaper, for example 4460
- declared tdp 91 watts, in fact it comes out more, because the last processor had 95 watts, and it was colder. Possibly bad thermal paste under the lid. you'll have to get a water bottle. thin textolite, so you need to be doubly careful to set the cooling
- Powerful, support for DDR4 In idle cold, under load without overclocking is also a honey, In a small overclock is also normal!
- When overclocked to 4.8ghz, the TDP is more than 110 watts! It gets very hot, the temperatures under dropsy approach 90 degrees, and throttling begins! (The test had to be interrupted)
- Milestone S1151 Considering future generations, Skylake is the most successful generation. Then comes self-copying and pushing the unpushed. Good acceleration (after the scalp). For 2022 support for DDR4.
- Thermal paste under the cover. There are few PCI-E lines, but enough for the consumer segment.
- Performance, heat dissipation, ease of overclocking.
- Thermal interface under the cover of the heat distributor.
- Highest performance outside of highly specialized and expensive platforms (2022,2022-3) Low power consumption
- "Snot" between the lid and the crystal in the form of a thermal interface, which gives you an extra 10-20 degrees of core temperature under maximum load (the way out is "scalping", i. E. cutting off the lid with replacing the TI) Very sluggish acceleration. On average, chips take 4.4-4.6, i. E. 10-15% productivity. Thin textolite. With the active movement of the case with a massive cooler installed, you can kill the processor. Vise scalping also became a little more risky.
- Biblical speed, superior performance, relatively stable temperature.
- Fragile body, during overclocking a lot of heat.
- Proc 6700 k. Got a very good copy. Without scalping, for your corsair h110i gt. Operates at a frequency of 4700GHz at a voltage of 1370v and heating under load in a stress test of 72-74°C. At a frequency of 4800ghz, a voltage of 1400v. It heats up already up to 76-77 ° С. Maximum drove up to 4900ghz at a voltage of 1450v. But there the temperature is already jumping 86-87 °. And yet, it works stably
- Not found in my copy
- The flagship model is the maximum for this microarchitecture. Very low heat dissipation, does not create stuffiness in the room. Heavy queries work noticeably faster in SQL Server 2022 DBMS, as well as ColdFusion, Java and Visual Studio compilers for C# and C++. Much better CPU-level parallelism performance compared to Core2Quad. The new Z170 chipset and DDR4 memory take things to the next level with a good multi-year headroom. And this is the maximum processor of the Skylake line. It's great that he came out first. I bought on the American Amazon with some other components out of principle. Shipping prices are the same. Brought home by DHL. The processor allows you to save on the graphics card, which I took advantage of.
- Still, Intel was greedy and put fewer transistors into this 14 nm flagship model than into the 4790K at 22 nm. As a result, we have only 5.37 gflops per core versus 5.43.
- Performance in certain work tasks at the level of a small server. Quite low temperature when loaded with computational tasks. Large selection of motherboards.
- There were none at the time of writing this review.