A horribly small UNIVERSAL fix from the must-have category; don't hesitate to buy, it's worth your money) photo from him page=2 page=3 page=4 page=5 page=6 page=7 page=8 page=9 page=10 page=11 page=12 page= Below are some advantages: It's stupid to say it, but it's 35, which means a universal focal length - you can take a photo of virtually everything, 1.8 holes are enough, compared it with a colleague who had a 50 1.4 and took 35. I decided to write a review after a significant "acquaintance" with the fix. Although it's terrible to say it, it's a universal focal length. Has drawbacks: Since it is a wild animal, there are frequently "defective" specimens that have blurry images in both the back and the front. Those who have younger carcasses should exercise extra caution.