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trobing bee sting and bite relief tool - effective venom extractor for pain and swelling reduction, natural itch relief for hiking, backpacking, and camping - white logo
Revainrating 4 out of 5

17 Review

BITE RELIEF: This bit kit can be helpful in removes venom, saliva, and other irritants from the wound site. After removing pus in the wound, the body will stop producing the reaction that is causing you to itch & swell. SAFE & DURABLE: Made by high quality plastic material, kid friendly, sturdy, reliable for extracting subcutaneous venom from bites…

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venom extractor suction tool for bee sting bite relief - easy to use, natural itch & pain reduction for hiking, backpacking & camping (white) logo
Revainrating 3.5 out of 5

12 Review

BITE RELIEF: This bit kit can be helpful in removes venom, saliva, and other irritants from the wound site. After removing pus in the wound, the body will stop producing the reaction that is causing you to itch & swell. SAFE & DURABLE: Made by high quality plastic material, kid friendly, sturdy, reliable for extracting subcutaneous venom from bites…

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