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Ingzy 💅 Foot, Hand & Nail Care

All: 2
ingzy metallic nail polish - 16 colors to choose from, long-lasting and unpeelable logo
Revainrating 3 out of 5

8 Review

【Metallic Nail Polish】 This Nail Polish consists of shining colors. With the gorgeous effect shining like diamond and sparkling pearls, it is suitable for dates, parties or other ceremonies, making you dazzling in the crowd. After your creative design, it can show special and stylish effects on your nails anytime and capture other’s eyes. 【Professional…

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metallic nail polish set - 16 vibrant colors for diy manicure, long-lasting and unpeelable, 18ml each (6 color pack) by ingzy logo
Revainrating 2.5 out of 5

5 Review

【Metallic Nail Polish】 This Nail Polish consists of shining colors. With the gorgeous effect shining like diamond and sparkling pearls, it is suitable for dates, parties or other ceremonies, making you dazzling in the crowd. After your creative design, it can show special and stylish effects on your nails anytime and capture other’s eyes. 【Professional…

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