Step 1: Choose your widget
Step 2: Customize
Step 3: Copy code

The widget displays several reviews at once. Users can click 'Show more' to reveal more reviews.
Adaptive width
Customizable number of the reviews in the feed

The widget catches the users' eye and focuses their attention on one review. The feed is scrollable.
Adaptive width
Customizable number of the reviews in the feed

The widget catches the users' eye and focuses their attention on one review. The feed is scrollable.
Adaptive width
Customizable number of the reviews in the feed

This widget can be placed in the side part of your website. It displays the overall rating of your project and a few reviews.
You can set the right height of the widget
You can choose the number of reviews displayed
Lite widgets

The compact widget shows the support of the community.
Customizable background-color
The width can be increased or decreased

A simple widget displays the overall rating of your project and the number of reviews published on Revain. All the necessary information is displayed neatly.
Customizable background-color
The width can be increased or decreased

All the necessary information in the compact widget. Displays the rating and the number of the reviews published on Revain.
Customizable background-color
Modify the widget and add it to any type of content

All the necessary information in the compact widget. Displays the rating and the number of the reviews published on Revain.
Customizable background-color
Modify the widget and add it to any type of content