I used to buy knit leggings for my 7 year old granddaughter. She is 4 feet tall and weighs 50 pounds. They were so amazing I bought 2 more pairs of this style which only had a designer stripe down each leg as they were not the size and style I had previously ordered. I knew as soon as I opened them they wouldn't. They had no stretch or recoil. Now I understand the negative reviews. After sweating, we finally picked her up. The problem was that Adi couldn't move. After a hearty laugh, we managed to take them off and put them back in the return bag. It's a shame because the other style is amazing.
Girls' Clothing and Leggings - Govc Winter Fleece Velvet Leggings
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Spotted Zebra Girl's Disney Star Wars Marvel Frozen Princess Leggings: Unleash the Fantasy!
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