My PC is too underpowered to play files with a 5k resolution. It is necessary to convert everything to 4K. The benefits probably exceed the drawbacks overall, though. And I use different cameras when it's dark to take pictures. different benefits among action cameras, the highest video quality and most potent stabilization (but only in sufficient light). Good color reproduction. To the extent that water resistance permits, the sound is likewise good. being able to mount the camera without using a frame additional (and therefore it is easier to replace the battery and flash drive) Cons: Low light photography is the biggest letdown. With ISO levels higher than 200, there is just terror and fear. All as a result of the camera's non-switchable post-processing, specifically shadow stretching. When it's sunny, it appears good, but when it's dark, the camera tries to extract all the dust and noise from the shadows, causing the image to resemble some sort of daub. The ideal shutter speed for walking is 1/240 or 1/480. Longer shutter speeds have lubrication already. Also, the camera doesn't have a lower shutter speed for some reason. Thus it's unclear how to shoot in excess of light. The camera interface is incredibly frenetic and slow. Regrettably, the electronic steadicam and the camera's stabilization could not get along, but there is no way to make it less effective. It is really challenging to open and close the battery cover. The battery is being depleted by the camera at an astounding rate. You must always turn the camera on and off because it is eventually worthless even in sleep mode. Not enough control buttons are provided. Sometimes the camera records video for up to 6 seconds before freezing. Gopro was never able to create a reliable camera mount.