I originally ordered a size 9 but they were too small and were chafing on my toes. So I sent them back and ordered a size 10. They are too big and my feet slide too much. Both sizes were too big and looked like clown shoes. Standing in it all day is not as comfortable as I thought. My feet tire just as quickly as they do in regular shoes, and with regular shoes I can order at least a half size and adjust the laces as needed to ensure they fit properly. I bought a pair of fake Crocs from a local store a few years ago (not your first guess but probably your second) and they fit perfectly. I will probably wear them again.
👞 Удобные и стильные мужские туфли Crocs Unisex Ralen Lined Black для мулов и клогов
9 Review
👞 Стильные и комфортные унисекс-терлинговые черные мужские кроссовки Crocs Ralen: идеальны для повседневной носки.
9 Review
👟 Кроссовки Crocs Unisex Classic Translucent: воплощение комфорта и стиля.
9 Review
👞 Удобные тапочки YHOON бордового цвета - клоги для максимального комфорта
10 Review