You can't go wrong with the controller. This is the second receiver/controller I've bought. BUT RECEIVER, SHIT. It works. And it can work for a long time. Mine worked for about a year, after that it just stopped working. So, being a techie, I opened it up and fiddled with my tools. The problem was a tiny fuse (smaller than most fruit flies) called F1. Apparently the slightest heat can blow a fuse and destroy the entire board. And when I mean "minimal heat," I mean set this thing to something remotely warm (like the heat you get from a running laptop) and you stand a chance of burning out. The fuse is on the circuit board, which means you can't replace it without finding the world's smallest fuse and re-soldering it. You can solder the fuse around, but who knows what that could do in the long run (I'm guessing it's fire or electrical surges). ***According to most sources, this is a KNOWN bug and the fuse will blow sooner than necessary. So keep it in a cool place. Don't install it on your computer, amp, or put a warm mug of cocoa next to this thing or you'll need a new one. *** Also, this thing is amazing! Thank you for a year of comfortable PC gaming without headaches. Update: I mistook the fuse for solder and gave it to my roommate to test (insert evil laugh) and after about a year there was no problem with it. No communication problems with controllers, no electrical fires, etc.