I bought this dress for my 2.5 year old daughter. She usually carries 2 tons and her height is just under the average two year old and she also weighs between 29 and 30 pounds. The 2t-3t dress fit her perfectly, the back zip was a little difficult to zip up when she was sitting and leaning forward, but when I picked up my daughter it zipped up nicely and wasn't too tight. I highly recommend this dress, it is very beautiful in person. This size is also called a 100 in case anyone needs to know, which is helpful when shopping elsewhere at Revain. I would also like to add that this dress does not stretch. So if you make a mistake on the size, it will not be closed, and also the color of the dress is the same as the picture. It is very pretty and my daughter has received many compliments on it. I will definitely buy again if I need it.
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