After buying another shopping cart that cost almost $70 and quickly falls apart after a few uses, I bought this shopping cart because it looked more durable. I love the turquoise color and it feels really solid. I love that you can either use the basket handle or pull the other handle up which was very easy, it's like my suitcase with wheels you just pull the handle. Then just pull it because it has wheels. The basket is a little narrow at the bottom and gets a little bigger towards the top. I don't drive so it needs to be compact enough to fit in the trunk of a car or in the back seat for the ride service I use. Another good thing, you don't have to search for a shopping cart or try to find a shopping cart that hasn't gotten stuck on another. This shopping cart is also inexpensive. Also, the cart doesn't need to be flattened like I had to do with my other cart, which isn't always easy!
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