I really wanted to like this bag. I actually liked this bag, but after only a few days of very light use. The stitching holding the straps has completely come undone like the others posted here (which I want to point out). I can only give this bag zero/one star because it held up so poorly. All I had was an iPad Air, a cable, and a small/light battery that I bought specifically for this case. Very disappointing. Luckily I was able to get that back and upgrade to the more expensive Tomtoc and so far I'm much happier as long as it keeps working. To be honest I liked the pockets and some of the design elements on this bag better than the Tomtoc, but safety and durability are obviously the most important features and this bag failed miserably. I hope others have a better experience, but personally I didn't want to give this company a second chance and ditched it as soon as possible.