I bought this case on vacation so I can easily take the switch with me. I wasn't disappointed with what I got. Durable and easy to carry, the bag comes with a shoulder strap if you want to sling it over your shoulder. The foam-like inserts effectively prevent the rattling of all components inside and fit every detail very well. The case was large enough to hold everything I needed to take with me, including two sets of Joy Con controllers and two professional controllers. The only thing that bothered me in this case was the storage space for the game cartridges. The game cartridge section consists of a series of mesh slots that hold the cartridges in place. However, trying to get them out is a bit tricky and you worry that the connectors might be damaged. So far I haven't seen this actually happen with anything, but if I had to point out one area of improvement it might be cartridge slots. Overall, this was a great case for the money and I found it easy to carry my Switch on the go.