My favorite part is that it's not just another reporting tool, but an entire suite of tools to help manage our business with ease! You can see all sorts of data in one place including server utilization, application performance metrics (CPU/Memory), uptime issues and much more; this helps us make informed decisions for future upgrades or changes without spending countless hours searching through multiple channels across various platforms. The UI could be improved - especially when viewing dashboards we sometimes get stuck at certain screens because they don't update until you refresh which gets extremely annoying. But overall I really like how easy it makes my job as Operations Manager so far. It has helped solve problems relating to resource allocation between servers such as balancing resources where needed most while also helping me easily identify problematic applications within VMs running production workloads. This allows faster response times during emergencies since only those people directly supporting are aware of any issue causing downtime. I like that it gives me a way to keep track of my tickets, and it also allows me to assign them to my teammates. It's not very intuitive to create new tickets, so it can be difficult for new users to get started. There are other ticketing systems out there. If you're looking for something simple, this might work. We use Saasi as our internal ticketing system, and we've been able to effectively manage our workflow.