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Sourn Debremarkos photo
Greece, Athens
1 Level
701 Review
52 Karma

Review on πŸ‘‘ Little Tikes Princess Horse Carriage: A Magical Ride Fit for Royalty by Sourn Debremarkos

Revainrating 3 out of 5

My daughter loves it but the assembly process is frustrating

My daughter loves this stroller. It is very cute and she can play with it indoors or outdoors. Now she has toys there and carries them around the house. I like that there is a cup holder and so do they. I would give this product 5 stars but the build is TERRIBLE! It took my husband 2 hours to assemble this part. The instructions are garbage and they jump to different steps. There wasn't a single piece that said how many pieces of each piece should be included. The horse also does not gallop as it should. Of course it doesn't matter to a toddler and probably won't, but it should work anyway. My daughter will definitely play with it for a while. She is 3 years old and not only plays with the cozy little coupe that we gave her. This is a great toy for toddlers, but be prepared for a long and tedious assembly process. I mean, we packed IKEA faster than this carriage.

  • New
  • Slightly torn