When I started using this product it was helpful to increase my work efficiency during times of high demand (such as holidays). However when there is low traffic or only 1 request at once then things start slowing down! Having said all these benefits are great but having too many clients could also be troublesome because you have limited time resources with each client so not really sure how much one can improve your products if they aren't fully utilized by customers requesting them? A very useful tool especially over busy periods such Holidays/Christmas etc I like how easy it is to use. It's very intuitive and allows you to test your site quickly. There are some things that could be improved such as the way the results are displayed. The layout can sometimes get messy. If you're looking for a quick way to test your site, this tool will do the trick! I've used this tool for several years now and have never had any issues with it. I use it to check my website for accessibility errors before publishing.