I gave 3 stars because they're good enough in a pinch and kept them because shipping it back for a refund would cost almost the same as the purchase price. These wheels should last. up to 1300# plus. I bought them because they are unobtrusive; I needed an overall height of less than 4Β½ inches and couldn't find rubber wheels that could handle the weight at that height. I built a cart for my 700# crusher that rides with them on a cement floor. They're mounted right next to the chopper's contact point, so there's no flex. However, they don't turn very well at half rated weight and I wouldn't want to try them with more weight. Another thing I noticed The bearing rings are loose and can be rotated manually. That means the bearings aren't even remotely tight in the race. This can be one of the factors that contribute to a smooth curve not being possible.
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