I was really looking forward to getting this in person because no one had shown any photos of it in green. The color is really true to the seller's photos and the bag is very well-made like many others have said. As you can see in the pictures, the bag has a lot of great features that make it very useful. There are three large open sections, along with two fairly large zippered compartments in the center, one zippered inside pocket, and two small open pockets (they were too small for my phone, but great for keys, lip balm, etc.). The bag has a strong snap at the top to keep all the compartments secure. It also has snaps on the outside of both sides to extend the size. The removable strap is adjustable and the purse has four metal ball feet to protect it when you set it down. It also has a leather and metal decorative tag that hangs from one strap which I didn't really care for, but there was no way I could see to easily remove it, so I carefully cut it off. Since this is a pretty stiff, strong leather, I'd definitely recommend using a leather conditioner and luckily the bag came with a very convenient tag of the leather so you can spot test it without damaging the purse. It also came with the very soft and lovely scarf you see.So far, I can see this as being a very cute and useful bag that will soften up a bit and last a long time with the right care. I definitely think it's worth the price.
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