These are strong, high quality resealable bags no different from those sold in other stores. (and cheaper) than buying multiple sizes individually. This makes this product ideal for home and business use where you can never predict what size will be most useful for a particular application. At the same time, there are sizes that you use frequently and other sizes that you only use occasionally. So buying this choice saves hassle and avoids large piles of rarely used sizes.
ClearBags 9 X 15 Door Hanger Bags (1000 Bags) For Door Knob Flyers Promotions Coupons Clear Plastic Poly Hanging Bags For Mail Newspaper Bags With Hangers Protect Against Rain, Dirt, & Bugs DK4
14 Review
100-Pack Of 2.5" X 3" Clear Reclosable Zip Poly Bags With 4 Mil Thickness And Resealable Lock Seal By IMBAPrice
33 Review
High Quality Clear Zip Bags - 3 X 3 Inches, 2Mil Thickness, Case Of 1,000 By GPI Brand
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200-Pack 3" X 3" Clear Plastic Reclosable Zip Bags | Heavy Duty 4 Mil Thick Poly Baggies With Resealable Lock For Travel, Storage, Packaging & Shipping
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💎 Luxury Air Bubble Cushion Wrap Roll - Fuxury Bubble Roll
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Honeycomb Cushioning: Eco-Friendly Biodegradable & Recyclable Wrapping Solution
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💨 Fuxury Blue Anti-Static Bubble Cushion Wrap Roll - 2 Rolls, 72 Feet Total: Protect and Secure with Air Bubble Technology!
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📦 Perforated Stickers Packaging for Cushioning during Shipping
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