I ordered these for my children to use at school as it is easier for them to remove the mask and wear it around their necks when needed to lay (eat first). . They are well made, wash well and are comfortable. I ordered bandana samples. While I was wearing it, one of my children at school was approached by another student and warned against wearing "bandit colors". I completely forgot bandanas were associated with gangs. I found that comment completely ridiculous but it scared my kid a bit even though we live in a suburb with a very low crime rate and probably little to no gang presence. I pointed out to my kid that the biggest aggression many of these kids faced was being cut off the line at Whole Foods, but whatever. I could tell it caused some concerns, so we probably won't be using them in school. I immediately ordered another set with a different pattern so I'm obviously happy with the product. If you have middle school aged kids or older, avoid the bandana look. It really disgusts me to do this but decided it wasn't worth my kid's distraction. Just something to note. I can definitely recommend the product, which is best shown by the fact that I immediately ordered another one in a different design. I might start wearing bandanas myself as I'm at an age where it's not like gangs, it's like the lone ranger!