This thing is so small! I was disappointed when I saw how small the box is. My husband was not only disappointed but also angry at me for buying it. Now that I bought it I decided to box it. On Christmas day my son opened it and threw it aside. There was no fuss. He's been sitting in front of the television since Christmas and hasn't played with it yet. The photos show someone using the controller, but it doesn't come with it. You need to download the app, but my phone doesn't have enough storage space and my husband's phone doesn't download it, so we don't have a chance to test it. I wouldn't buy it again, but that's just my experience with it. Your family may have a different perspective and enjoy it. I can't give it a 5* so I gave it a generous 3* because it's partly my fault for not reading all the details carefully and it's entirely possible that it works well.