A few weeks after receiving this controller, I started to put on the back burner. I couldn't understand why. It's a good size after all, the buttons are a big improvement over the regular Xbox controller, and it did everything I needed. give or take Here are the problems: (1) The power light is terribly bright. I've covered it with not one but two black stickers and the light is still shining! I'm not sure why they did it that way. I haven't seen this on any other controller and it's just there to distract the player; (2) If you have to pull the bumpers and trigger at the same time, you get a really nasty mechanical crunch. Simply put, the controller is not designed to perform this function at all. It seems that part of the mechanism is broken. With any normal controller, there is no such resistance. You can adjust the actuation length of this controller - there's a lock switch under the left and right bumpers - but this problem still occurs with any adjustment. I didn't think it was important, but you'd be surprised how many games, especially open-world games, require this action sequence, and this controller was designed for a world that doesn't. I don't understand why the Razr didn't figure this out during the design phase. This is fundamental for working with the controller. (3) Despite being a wired controller, input lag is common. Find out. So I never use this controller. It's just not good. And I don't understand how a company like Razr brought this to market. But hey, judging by Revain's reviews, nobody cares about these issues. So maybe you don't care either. But at least you are now aware of the potential problems.
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