Advantages: affordable, great selection of titles, including Metro 2033, TES5, Diablo 3, Doom 2022, Saints Row 3, and Diablo 3. There are the traditional versions of doom 1 and 2, doom 3, and an additional little roe with a double-barreled shotgun. fits in a winter jacket's pocket Cons: It is allegedly costly to replace sticks that have broken. Games occasionally include glitches. Similar to how it feels on a PC. It is extremely buggy in the quest hall with the ice figures in the Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim. before the auriel bow's barrier. When everyone has been eliminated and unfrozen, the game resumes as usual. However, it seemed at the time that the games were, God forbid, 6-10 fps pricey titles (albeit not all, as Doom 64 costs 320).