The dress looks exactly like the picture but is much larger than expected. I took my daughter's measurements, compared her to the size chart and sized her up, with the size I took (according to her size chart) and with her measurements the dress should have fitted really really well. They were an inch shorter. When I received the dress, it was very large for her. I had to use some safety pins to reattach it. He was so big. I ordered 120 3t-4t. My daughter is 5 years old (almost 6) but again I used measurements and not age, still too big so be careful. Also, a flower fell off. I had to glue the flowers with a hot glue gun. I had to steam it because it was in a very small bag, all crumpled up (small enough to fit in my mailbox). It did its job for the money so I gave it a 3 but be prepared to fix some things yourself when you get it.
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