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821 Review
48 Karma

Review on Helmet Adjustable Toddler Children Multi Sport by James Auzenne

Revainrating 4 out of 5

He's not durable at all. Cannot trust

I bought this helmet last year for my 2 year old daughter for her tricycle and scooter but we have only used her tricycle and scooter around the house due to the cold weather and previous exercise we ride them out. She could wear a helmet and she liked it. The problem is that a piece of plastic broke inside the helmet. When we tried to put it on one day something definitely went wrong, it started moving and kept moving on my daughter's head. I realized that the WEAK PLASTIC PIECE was completely broken in half. This is a helmet to protect a toddler's head, but it may hurt a toddler's head with a broken part if it falls outside seriously. I am so disappointed in the quality of the product and can't even get in touch with anyone to complain to. Please allow us a clarification.

  • Satisfied so far
  • Will write later