I like the design and the size. This bag had the potential for perfection and addressed two major flaws. #1 leather handle, shoulder strap and zip fastening with black tassel on one side and Hershey Brown candy bar on the other side. The wallet's handle is almost two inches wide, so the brown back is very noticeable. For this reason, in my opinion, the bag does not look like the photo. Does it look more dark gray than dark gray? If the seller had mentioned a brown strap in the description I would not have bought the bag. The second problem is fabric. I have had many Jacquard Coach Signature bags and purses. I take very good care of my things. However, it is almost impossible to keep a handbag clean every day. And I'm very sad to say I don't think this bag will stand the test of time. It's not made of the same durable material that I've associated with the Coach brand for years. Barely touching the surface of the bag with your fingernail starts out like cheap pantyhose. Consequently, I shudder when I think about what he'll look like after six months of wearing keychains, phone cases, charm bracelets, grocery bags, and puppy leashes that beat him every day. If you're looking for a quick, on-trend disposable bag, this could be the perfect wallet for you. If you're looking for the reliable quality you've known and associated with the Coach brand for over half a century, you will be disappointed in this bag. The final rating is 2.5 stars.
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