4 months update: I'm still a big fan of this belt, but a fairly big annoyance, as others have mentioned, is that the buckle end of the belt works on its own . at least once a day. I've had no problem with the teeth wearing down from the belt itself (I guess some people have cut their belts too short and then over tightened them) but just tonight when I was unbuckling the belt it came loose and the buckle fell off and actually cut my leg. I'm taking off one star because that's the only thing that could be improved. I've been a proponent of the missionary belt for years, but one day when I wear it I'm already hooked. It's easier to untie and more comfortable than a missionary belt, not to mention half the price. One issue I have with the Mission belt is durability over time, so we'll see how the Bulliant belt fares in that category. Totally satisfied at the moment! Can be upgraded if there are any durability issues in the future.