I have a Kindle Fire HD. Actually quite a lot. I was so excited when I received them because they were so strong at the seams and because of their length. I didn't think I would have to replace them for a long time. However, on the first and second day they were fantastic. After that, my Kindle won't charge anymore. As I said, I have 3 of my own, my children and my husband also have one. Of course, my husband's Kindle is exactly the same as mine and it currently works in his Kindle. I've tried both charging cables and neither works for me. I thought I was going crazy so I asked my son and husband if they could figure out why he doesn't charge mine but charges them. Can anyone give me their thoughts on why this is happening? Trust me it was inserted correctly and into a working outlet. I even tried it on the socket my husband used to charge it. So far they're great for my husband but this isn't anyone who needs a charger for his Kindle hence the review. I'm not returning them because my husband rocks. Too bad they didn't work on my two. Very frustrating.