The ease of use, customization options, and integration with other products from deWescorp are great assets to this product. There really isn't anything I dislike about it at all! It's been easy to integrate into our HMI system using its API, and we've enjoyed how well it works together with any devices that connect via USB. We have used many different tools over the years, but Dewesoft has consistently gotten better in every version. Their support team continues to improve their customer service as well. They were extremely helpful when we had questions or problems during setup or configuration. As mentioned above, they continue to get better year after year. The flexibility to change parameters, customizing your own GUI or using third party libraries such as JNI. The documentation could be better. It would be nice to have more examples of how to use all the functions in the API. I used this product with a FPGA board that has an embedded ADC. This was great because it allowed me to do hardware capture without having to write code myself.