This didn't work. It is in a box for another product. The RGB LEDs never came on. The LCD has dead pixels. There are 6 fan speeds, but the fans never change speed. Airflow is 0. Literally. I've used this on a laptop that runs at 62 degrees Celsius when gaming/mining. I removed it from a flat table, put this cooler on the table, put the laptop on the cooler with the fans on. Temperature increased to 65. This product is literally WORSE than using nothing at all. DO NOT SPEND YOUR MONEY.
Multi Core X6 ๐ก๏ธ Laptop Cooling Pad by DeepCool
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Laptop Cooling Pad, Portable Laptop Cooler with 2 USB Powered Fans, Notebook Cooling Pad Stand Chill Mat with Blue LED, Fits 12-14 Inches
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