My daughter loves memory games and has trouble drawing letters. I bought it thinking it would be a fun way to give her some extra exercise. She loves it! I like that you combine upper and lower case, but both have the same picture (i.e. both Q cards show the same queen). I think it helps to try to understand the letter at the beginning. "What's that picture? What's that sound? What letter is making that sound? What we play is that when you make a match, you have to say the letter to save the match. We've got this one Been playing for a few weeks now and I'm already feeling more confident in recognizing my daughter's letter.The quality of the cards is superb.At 5 I'm sure it's probably a short term game for her.I know she isn't will take a long time to outgrow the correct letter, but my goal is to help her learn them without making it a "school assignment.” This game does and we have fun playing together.