So far, so good. The bag originally arrived and I was a little worried about how small it was. I ended up ordering a large Professional Slim bag and personally comparing the sizes. This little bag really does everything a big bag can, only better. It still fits everything I've put in, including a laptop, tablet, power bank, battery, various cables and cords, a lightweight sweatshirt, a compact umbrella, a camel bug water bottle, and other small travel essentials. Space thanks you might be thinking - Lightweight - Easy to organize - Good materials - Slim profile and nice bag Cons - Not a backpack for those who want to store clothes on a laptop bag part for more than a day. If you need an overnight holdall with some flexibility to extend your stay, this one will be a bit small for you. Compared to the Professional Slim, this case is much lighter and can still fix most laptops you want to put in, unless it's a gaming laptop. - The Original Slim can hold much more in the main compartment. The bag is about 2 inches thicker and most of it is available in the main compartment. The bag is also a few inches taller, meaning larger laptops will fit inside. The Slim Junior has a slightly more rounded design from bottom to top. With the smaller junior bag, the L-zipper makes more sense. It's easier to reach and access the back corner of the bag on the Junior. I think the original Slim is in a weird place now. Not much more than thin, Ebag's Professional Weekender fills the need for a laptop bag with extra space for other essentials like clothes, toiletries, larger items like projectors or lots of camera gear. The Weekender ends up being a good carry-on for travel, while the Slim Junior is small enough to be your personal item and travel bag. Processional Slim stays somewhere in between. Too small to be considered an effective carry-on if you normally travel with standard 21x14x9 luggage. It also exceeds most airlines' baggage size limit. I'm sure someone will correct me and say they flew with the original luggage. Slim isn't a problem I would think. Not all airlines measure every piece of personal luggage. But the point remains, if you don't want to check the bag and already have carry-on luggage, the original Slim may be too large to be considered your personal item. They can get stuck when checking them or your hand luggage.
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