I was very pleased with the quality of these shirts from the start (I ordered two). They're lightweight, don't feel like fabric (like many t-shirts these days), are comfortable but not tight (like many t-shirts, etc.), and are actually 100% cotton. Not much has shrunk after the first wash, although the fabric can of course shrink a bit depending on your washing and drying style. When this happens it should relax again (I've worn my shirt twice already and it's a familiar fabric process). I don't see any noticeable pilling, but after washing the shirt has a nice texture that says "guys, real cotton!". The screen printing is pleasant and smooth, after washing it almost does not warp. Lettering and logo are clear. The white print is dense and elastic, and even swiping the t-shirt under the inscription doesn't let the background color of the t-shirt show through. I would definitely buy more shirts from this retailer; the product is top notch.