I started making bows a few years ago and have never looked back. You are making a luxury gift. Ordered from this brand for the first time on a whim and was SO impressed! First, the bow was MUCH EASIER to assemble than similar brands. I also liked that there was an extra ribbon attached to the bow. As you can see in the picture I managed to wrap the ribbon around all four sides of the box making the gift look very professional. And don't worry, if you have a more meaningful gift, the ribbon is enough to cover it. For beginners to stringing bows, this brand took less than a minute to assemble. If you are a beginner, have no fear. The trick is to find the two end ties at the bottom of the loop and SLOWLY pull. The curls on top magically appear. Go through a cycle on the first start. If you take your time from the start, you can always start over if you don't like the result. The real secret is not to put extra strain on the string as you go through the bow. This will ensure that the line running through the bow doesn't snap! I don't always write reviews, but when I see a quality product that WORKS I know I have to share it. This product is one of the best bows I've seen and I highly recommend it!
12-пакет красных атласных бантов, 16" х 9", 5 петель, Рождественский бант JOYIN.
8 Review
Набор больших лент из органзы для упаковки подарков - 12 штук, диаметр 6 дюймов, смешанные цвета - идеально подходит для свадебных подарочных корзин
3 Review
🎁 Рождественский набор лент для распаковки - 24 шт. аксессуары для упаковки подарков для коробок, сумок, корзин, бутылок вина - идеально подходит для украшения на вечеринке и упаковки подарков.
4 Review
Органайзер для хранения упаковочных материалов Primode
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🎁 Роскошный сюрприз от Непослушного Списка: Плюшевая красная бархатная ювелирная сумочка с настоящим углем и дизайнерской подарочной ярлычкой!
8 Review
Набор из 2-х больших мешков для белья с ручками и завязками в синем и бежевом цвете - Бытовые приборы/2 штуки
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CCINEE Рождественская гигантская упаковочная веревка
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TEVIN suitcase, ABS plastic, support legs on the side wall, 37 l
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