Granddaughter fits well, looks beautiful and flattering which is important as it was a plus size. Only downside was the oversized sweater was too long. And since every fold is stitched, the sweater cannot be shortened. The product description must state that the jumper cannot be shortened. And the length of the sweater should also be specified (from the base of the neck over the back to the hem). You should also always give the measurements of the finished garment in the chest and waist. The formula for a good fit (which tailors follow) is to have at least 2 inches of freedom in the chest (leeway), 2 inches in the waist, and 3 inches in the hips. These recommendations apply to any garment that does not stretch, such as B. this sweater. The inclusion of READY-ON measurements allows buyers to determine the correct fit prior to purchase. Attention Manufacturers: Include this information in EVERY product description if you want customers to buy again.
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