I finally found the ideal bag for my laptop! Instead of getting a messenger bag, I am glad I chose a backpack and this one specifically. The design is so cute, just as what is posted here.I am very meticulous in buying bags and looked at each of the seller's photos really well and customer comments before deciding to buy. I didn't think I saw in their photo that the bag straps have a pad behind them. Maybe I was blind! But I took a photo of it and uploaded it here.I usually carry my 14 inch laptop (that fits perfectly), a FiveStar flex NoteBinder, and a 500 page book. Can you imagine? All of those are pretty heavy already. This bag doesn't disappoint. I would definitely buy the other designs in the near future! For 30$ you can't beat that it's cute, durable, and waterproof! Super happy with this investment!
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