TL;DR: The cable does not match the photo either visually or in size. This is not a problem if all you want is a right angle power cord and there are no size restrictions. If you have size limitations, the current 2021 version is not inconspicuous! Long story short, I bought this cable for an ITX computer case (K77 V2; aka SGPC K70) which requires a flat power cord due to the case's short legs and that fact. that the C14 connector is on the bottom of the case, not on the back. Unfortunately, the end of the C13 connector on this cable is too long. This cable has a gap of about 2 inches (actual dimensions are 1 and about 5 or 6 eighths of an inch). My size limitations were about 1.5 inches of clearance. The original low-profile images of the cable from a 2012 survey would suffice. Unfortunately, in 2021, this cable doesn't seem to be unremarkable. Size aside, the cable seems very strong and durable and can easily power a rig with an EVGA SuperNOVA 650 GM PSU.