I like that they include both manual tasks as well are automatic ones which saves time so not having separate tabs is great! Nothing really dislikes but maybe some of their layouts could be improved? Overall its been good with them especially when you get used to navigating through all your candidates information in here fish there's no need go back into any other system if everything has already happened. There isn't anything majorly different between what our agency does now using another client vs this tool specifically - however we were able use one portal instead or switching from multiple sources (Agency website + phone screening). The ability to customize your platform to fit your needs. We have been able to use all of the features available in the software and we are still looking for more. I would recommend this product if you are looking for a fully customizable system that will meet all of your staffing needs. As mentioned above, we have used all of the features available and there is still room for improvement. We were able to implement our own workflows and procedures.