Overall ease of use by making it easy understand how to set up new products or edit existing ones quickly with great customer service afterwards! I would highly recommend this product - I didn't find any negatives at all so far! It took me about thirty minutes to get familiar but that's because we had some training material that wasn't very helpful (I'd like better guides in future). Great software! Our account teams are able to access information efficiently which helps speedily create changes without having to email each member individually. If you guys have room can improve the dashboard screens even more they look fine if not just go nuts with it!! I like that Blyth's is always trying to stay ahead of the competition. They never give up on making their system better. It is hard to find a problem with this product when you are using it in your daily life. I haven't had any problems with this software thus far. I have been able to make my jobs easier by using this product and the benefits outweigh the downsides. I would recommend this to anyone. Nothing at this time. I am very happy with this purchase so far and I am very satisfied with the results.