The ability to connect multiple data sources into one platform, allows us greater control over our business processes within cross-functional teams. This has allowed for more effective collaboration across different disciplines in order to improve the overall customer experience. We are now able to access all of our information from various locations at once - which was not possible before this product was implemented. There is no downside as far as I am aware but that could be because we haven't had any problems with it yet! Our benefits include better process management across departments and improved communications within them. The ability to see all of the data in one place, and to be able to drill down into it with ease. I wish we could have more customization options for the layout. It's not a lot different from other products out there, but it is a little easier to use than most others. The benefits are that it allows us to pull all of our data together in one place. We can now see everything about a customer or prospect at once.