The CYTING Wedding Bouquet Photo Charm is a great way to honor the memory of your loved ones who have passed away. This charm is the perfect addition to a bouquet of flowers, or serves as a useful keychain to carry around on your big day. The pendant itself is beautifully crafted with a unique design, elegant and simple. The words "I know you would be here today if heaven weren't so far away" are engraved on the pendant and serve as a comforting reminder of the presence of a loved one on this special day. The photo frame that comes with the pendant is large enough to easily insert a photo of your loved one. The pendant is high quality and durable so it will last for many years. Overall, I highly recommend CYTING Wedding Bouquet Photo Charm. It's a beautiful and soulful way to honor and remember loved ones and will add a special touch to any bridal bouquet or keychain. It is also a perfect bachelorette party gift for those who have lost someone special. I give this product 5 out of 5 stars.
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