Perfectly sized frame for Go Pro, comfortable grips and durable aluminum frame. Problems: The Go Pro mount and two lightweight ball mounts all rely on a single threaded connection, which dangles everything when she tries to unscrew them. Luckily I tested them before diving. For the GoPro mount, I replaced the single threaded mount with a flat mount with adhesive pad and, just in case, epoxy around the edges of the adhesive pad, and finally attached the entire mount to the frame. I've noticed that the best devices use a plate and two screws to attach the flares. My solution is to coat the threads with epoxy and make it permanent. Also, it arrived with one of the 1 inch ball joint o-rings that was torn and lying at the bottom of the box. Before writing this review, I kindly contacted the factory but received no reply. Luckily, you can buy more o-rings online (sigh). The illustration does not show any buoyancy devices (to be determined).