My daughter needed raincoats for outdoor kindergarten. She is fairly average height, 3ft 6.36lbs, and they are a bit big in the waist, she only wore them with tight fitting leggings. They would probably fit perfectly over heavier pants or jeans. So the fit is good, especially since we're not going until fall (she'll be wearing thicker clothes in a month), they have a drawstring waist and I can pull the waist down to make it fit, but I'll let her loose because a 4 year old doesn't want any trouble, she just wants to put on her pants and go, and with boots they hold her foot well. The legs are a few inches long, but the elastic at the ankle makes it easy to tuck the pants into your boots. I think these pants will fit next year too :) I like the material, it feels flexible but holds up to walking and climbing in the forest, it doesn't snag as easily as nylon pants. She loves that they are yellow, her favorite color and they go well with her yellow fireman's coat and boots.
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