I was excited to get this set for my Wii console. I liked the idea of new instead of used. You never know how bad people abuse an item. I already had 2 authentic Nintendo controllers and 1 authentic Nintendo Wii nunchuck. I also have a Wii rechargeable battery stand for 4 Wii controllers. Unfortunately these controller did not fit into my rechargeable battery stand. I was so disappointed. The corners of these controllers are kind of weird at the bottoms and just didn't fit. I tried multiple times and even pushed them in hard (which I should not of had to do). I didn't want to return them. so I was debating on just keeping them and charging the battery packs on the authentic Wiii controllers and then switching over the battery packs to these knock offs. Annoying but OK.But then my family would use these controllers and they just weren't as good as the authentic ones, no one wanted to use these. There was lag and the signal didn't seem as strong. They advertise they have the 2nd generation Wii Motion Plus inside? I'm not totally sold. I think the nunchucks were OK. 2 strikes and I had to return them. I went and got authentic ones from a local retro gaming shop and so far they work great.