I ordered these for my grandson who will soon be 4 years old. As the weather gets cooler, my floors get colder, and I like him walking around the house in slippers. I recently bought these after looking at what appeared to be hundreds of other styles and brands. They fit REALLY great, seem to keep his feet nice and warm and the rubber soles prevent him from slipping on the bare floor. Also, the soles are thick enough to walk on cement if he happens to be walking in it outside. The only reason I didn't give him 5 stars is because he has very narrow feet and REALLY slipped off one of them while playing with his toys :(
👟 Стильные детские туфли для малышек и малышей на стадии передвижения размером с 5,5-6,5
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HOBIBEAR Легкие спортивные кроссовки для детей - идеально подходят для бега, прогулок и занятий спортом!
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Премиум настоящая кожа детская балетная туфля/балетки для малышей, маленьких детей и старших детей.
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👟 Идеальная обувь для активных мальчиков: Кроссовки для баскетбола - комфортные, дышащие и нескользящие
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