I had wrist and arm surgery. Since I would not be using my arm for several months, I had to adjust my daily things. One of those things was putting on a belt. I found ratchet straps by accident and bought one. I have to say these belts are awesome. First, I could put them on with one hand. This issue has been resolved. The second benefit with my weight loss was that this belt allowed me to adjust the size as I lost weight by simply reducing it as needed. Third and most important: During the day when you are eating, you may need to adjust the belt because your stomach is full. This belt allows you to make small adjustments to a standard belt that required you to go up/down through a hole in the belt making it too loose/tight causing either discomfort or constantly pulling your pants up while you move . None of them are funny. The company also offers MANY types of their buckles. I've taken several but this is my favorite. It is beautifully designed and has received many compliments from colleagues. All in all a great product.