Nothing really comes to mind at this time about the KOSY team; however I felt welcomed upon beginning my contract with them! It was easy for me personally because they understood who i needed help too early on as opposed being one-two months into it then not knowing what was going wrong or where we should continue looking next/upgrading equipment etc - just be flexible if something happens that is above your control but you feel like things may have gone off track. We were working remotely during COVID19 so had no face contact initially therefore nothing coming straight across from other members of our staff when initial introductions started taking place (so important!). As mentioned previously though there are now plans made to go live soon which hopefully will resolve some issues regarding lack of video conference support currently available. I love that it is easy to set up and allows me to have my own private workspace with no interruptions from co-workers or clients. It's not as good at time management as I would like. It's not very intuitive for someone who has never used this before. But if you are familiar with other online platforms such as Slack, Zoom etc., then it will be easy to use. I use it mainly for project collaboration, remote meetings, and client communication.