This bag, like all Timbuk2 bags, is expensive and worth every penny. Design, materials (fabric and zippers) and stitching are impeccable. While the wet black finish may not please everyone, the waterproofing and comfort will. Although I didn't try to blow him up with a hose, he probably could have withstood it. The material appears to be totally waterproof, and it's easy to fully seal the top. The bag is exceptionally spacious and well designed for cyclists. It *easily* fits a computer, books, a change of clothes (with shoes) and a towel while riding, and when you're ready there's plenty of room in your riding gear and helmet. If you're a student who has to walk to class with your computer in the pouring rain, this should protect your gear and save you the time it takes to slip a waterproof cover over your existing backpack. If you're worried about ruining your stuff in inclement weather, get this.
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