I bought this after reading the reviews so I knew what I needed. This tutu is HUGE, it is NOT a "2-6x" size. My daughter is a size 8 and I expect it will fit her for a few more years. She's very plump and fluffy (which she likes, but can be a downside if you don't like it). Also, this isn't the kind of backpack you can safely put a child in a car seat (she's 6 years old). , and rode in a booster the day she wore it after she got it for Christmas.) It's SO fluffy. It sticks out a little, but she likes it. One star off for the sizing inaccuracy (simply because they really need to be true to size, although I knew it was too big so I took it) and the belt, which is really a bit odd (but doesn't bother) . Otherwise well done and hey it's a pack.
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